Friday, December 2, 2011

Don't Pretend To Be Wood

This entry is dedicated to my little sister.

One night my sister and her friend were spending the night at my house. Like is common, I had not gone grocery shopping and therefore had basically nothing to feed them. For this reason we embarked on a short journey to the grocery store.

I instructed the girls to go pick out a cereal for their breakfast while I gathered other items. Soon enough I reencountered them walking down an aisle, holding a box of cereal. This wasn’t just any cereal; it was the one they had carefully and distinctly selected. When I saw the box in their hand I rolled my eyes. In a disgusted and critical tone I said, “Really? Out of all the cereals you guys chose that one?”

Immediately my sister pointed at her friend while at the same time my sister’s friend pointed at her. Simultaneously, each girl began explaining that she had not wanted that cereal but the other one had insisted on it. I began to laugh.

I asked the girls why they were justifying their selection of cereal. Had I not told them to pick ANY cereal THEY wanted? Why then were they trying to please ME?

I instructed them to never allow ANYONE, not even ME, to make them feel foolish about the things they liked; the things that were unique to them. I told them to be confident in the choices they make and not to second-guess themselves simply because someone else didn’t like it or was in disagreement.


There are times in life when difficult decisions have to be made and the best path is unclear. At times like these there are often individuals in our lives whose input we value and seek.

At other times we fail to make the best choices. In such cases, there are those who, without us necessarily asking, caringly share their wisdom and views because they are genuinely interested in our wellbeing.

But then there are those people who are critical and negative about everything we do, even the little things. (Like cereal.) 



Although I often still see you as a child, the reality is that you no longer are one.

My desire is that in your life you will make good choices.

I hope that when your path is unclear, I can be one of those people you come to.  

I pray that you will never let others put you down or make you doubt yourself.

I hope that you will have the courtesy to listen to and the wisdom to evaluate the input others offer. To dismiss the negative. And to apply the positive & the truth, even when it's unpleasant.  

I hope that the wrong turns you make (because nobody is perfect) will always lead you to discover something beautiful.

Above all, I hope that you will learn to seek and trust the guidance of the ONLY One who TRULY knows what’s best for you. That will guarantee that despite the bumpy ride and the missed turns, you will end up at the proper destination.

Don’t ever be afraid to be yourself, to express yourself, to trust yourself and to love yourself just the way you are.

Happy Birthday!

I love you!