Friday, July 12, 2013

If you would only listen…

Have you ever given someone advice they didn't listen to or instructions on how to accomplish a task they simply chose to ignore only to later watch them become frustrated because things didn't turn out as expected?

A short while back as I listened to a loved one tell me about a situation they were experiencing and the associated frustrations, I thought to myself, “If you would only listen to me.”

Usually when we give advice it’s because we consider ourselves knowledgeable on the subject. This is typically a result of prior experience in the area. Although sometimes it’s simply because we think we know everything and others should just listen to us. (This is never me of course.)

In this particular case, I considered myself better versed on the topic. I felt I had something beneficial to offer. I felt like I could see aspects of the situation that were not so obvious to them. I wanted to avoid continual negative results for this person I cared about. But I knew they’d have none of it.
I thought: “If you would just listen to me, things could be so much easier for you.”

As I thought about that another thought came to mind:

“I bet this is what God thinks about me ALL THE TIME!”

I, myself, am guilty far too often of trying to do things my way. When I do, rarely do these things result the way I “planned.”

This really made me reflect and come to the following realization; GOD KNOWS WHAT HE’S DOING!
He really does.

If He wants me to trust him, it’s because he has it worked out. He sees things that I don’t see. He has experience that I don’t have. He knows things that I don’t know.

If I would only LISTEN.
If I would only TRUST and OBEY, my life would be a lot less difficult.
I’d probably be a lot happier as well.

How much pain, how much frustration, how much failure, how much sadness, how much grief, how much confusion could I have avoided?

How much time could I have saved?

How much more peace and happiness could I have experienced?

If I would just listen.

Now, if I can just remember this for the future…