Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Act a Fool

The day of halloween, a friend and I went to IHOP for breakfast. Our waitress was in costume… sort of. Along with a few scratch marks, she had smeared blood on her face and arms. She also had a cut out cereal box taped onto her apron. 

After a strenuous 30 seconds of devoted thought, I was unable to arrive at a conclusion as to what she was supposed to be. I enlisted my friend’s help to solve the mystery.

Instantly he stated, “Maybe she’s a serial killer."

“Ooooh! That makes sense.” I responded.

I suggested he confirm his hypothesis the next time the waitress approached our table by asking her if this was indeed what she was attempting to portray. 

“I bet she’ll say, 'Yes! You’re the first person who’s gotten it!'” I stated.
My friend smiled. 

Then I added, “Or she’ll say, 'No. Everyone thinks that but I'm actually a ____.'”
His smile faded.

He thought for a moment, then responded, “If it’s the first one, it’ll be cool but if it’s the second one, I’ll look like an idiot.”

“I’ll ask her.” I said. “I don’t care if she thinks I’m an idiot." (It happens often.)

The waitress didn’t come around for a while. When she finally did, my friend had just gotten up to use the bathroom. But as I said I was going to do, I asked her, “Are you a serial killer?”

She looked at me with astonshment.

Amazed, she said “Yes I am. You’re cool! You are the first person who has guessed correctly!... You get a lollypop.” She then gave me two Dum Dums.

When my friend came back I told him what had happened and what the waitress had said.
He asked, “Did you tell her I was the one who figured that out?”

“No. Why would I tell her that?” I responded.

“Because I was the one who figured it out!” He said.

“So??! You were too scared to look like a fool to ask her! If you aren’t willing to take the shame of looking dumb then you don’t deserve the glory of being right!”

After I said this I thought of how true this is.

Some people (no names shall be mentioned) take pride in considering themselves “rebels” yet are sometimes too afraid to take a risk because they don't want to look foolish before others.

Others of us may consider ourselves BOLD, yet we often hold back on ideas, thoughts, comments, opportunities and so many other things because we fear being embarrassed, ridiculed, rejected or just being wrong. 

So what if a stranger thinks you're stupid!? So what if we look temporarily silly or even crazy to our peers!? There are times when we need to take chances. We want the credit for greatness without the risk of failure. Not possible. 

If we want to achieve greatness, we not only have to risk failing, we probably have to accomplish failing a few times. How will we ever know if we're "on to something" if we never give our ideas a chance? They may end up being "not that good," "a little too far out there" or just wrong. They may end up being extraordinary. How will we know if we don’t try?

P.S. Prior to leaving, I did inform the waitress my friend deserved the credit for figuring out her costume. 


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