Monday, November 28, 2011

Artistically Blemished

When applying for a job, you’re usually asked to provide a resume- an outline of your skills and qualifications. At the interview you spend the majority of your time talking about all your strengths and answering questions in a way that demonstrates you to be the clear choice for the position.

On a first date most people share their virtues, the “cool” things about themselves, what they think will attract others.


Because when people get “selected” for things, whether it is a job, a boyfriend/girlfriend, a part in a play, etc., the process is usually done by evaluating skills, qualities, virtues, strengths and so on.

We are judged based on the things we POSSESS and the things we CAN DO.

God has called some people to be worship leaders. We think it’s because they’re musically skilled. Others are preachers. We think it’s because they’re good at articulating a message. Others are good at teaching and everyone has the thing they “do.”


One day I had this CRAZY idea… a theory… a proposition…


God doesn’t call us based on our STRENGTHS or our TALENTS or QUALIFICATIONS or what we BRING TO THE TABLE?...


God chooses us due to our IMPERFECTIONS?


It is our FLAWS that qualify us for the calling?

God knows our flaws better than anyone. Our “slip ups” come as no surprise to Him.

Perhaps the DESIGN of my WEAKNESS was precise for me to commit the “RIGHT” MISTAKES?

What if these errors gave me the exact amount of pliability, the ideal measure of elasticity to be MOLDED, be SHAPED, be RESTRUCTURED into the person God wants/needs me to be?

Could it be that sometimes God relies on me to screw up?

God doesn’t select you under the pretense that you would be “ready to go.”
He knew you would need some work.

Why would a craftsman select a finished project? An architect, a completed structure?
What would be the point of that? How could they bring in their creativity and sign it as their work if it was a product that was already complete?

The Bible is full of imperfect people that were called by God. It was their errors that made them better. It was their mistakes that demonstrated their humanity and need for God. It was their flaws that God used to bring glory to His name.

Yes we want to be better but we need to stop being so hard on ourselves when we stumble on our way to excellence. Making mistakes or having a few inner blemishes does not make us “bad people” or “complete failures.” It makes us human and it makes us remember we need our maker. He’s the one who can give us “touch ups” when we need them. He turns our “unfortunates” into part of his plan. He shows us how to use that to fulfill our purpose. After all, He designed us. Who would know better than He?

We are imperfect beings but that’s ok because there is beauty in our imperfections.
God sees it. I hope you can too.


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