Monday, February 6, 2012

Selling Out

I've often wondered how Judas could betray Jesus the way he did.
How he could think 30 pieces of silver were more valuable?
How, knowing the terrible thing he anticipated doing, 

could he still hang around like nothing?
How could he trade EVERYTHING for NOTHING?
How could he hand over life for something so temporary?
How could he be so hypocritical? So shallow? So skewed?



It turns out...

It isn't easy to admit. I wanted to dismissed the idea altogether.
But I can't lie to myself.

Looking at the facts....

How many times have I engaged in premeditated transgressions?
I have knowingly betrayed Jesus. Planned and anticipated.
The implications known. Regardless, electing to be selfish.

I haven't wanted to hurt Him. I haven't wanted to be ungrateful.
But I've wanted to simply indulge.

Just once.
Maybe twice.
And then it's over and over again.

So who does that?

Apparently me. Probably most of us. And not just that. Maybe even worse.


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